Hydrate Your Body Everyday

Summer is here and it’s really hot outside. The weather experts say this will be one of the hottest summers ever. Make sure to take all the precaution necessary to keep yourself and your families safe, cool, and hydrated.
We think that staying in air conditioned buildings and cars are enough to keep us cool but it’s not. Your body is evaporating a lot of water 24/7 even under normal conditions. So if you amp up the heat to triple digits, like we’ve been having lately, your body has to work overtime to make the proper adjustments. That makes it hard on your skin, your organs, and especially your heart and brain.
You must also be extra careful for children, the elderly, and your pets. If you notice any changes in their behavior and temperament you must seek help immediately. Their bodies may be overheated and that can seriously affect their health.
Everyone likes to celebrate the 4th of July and that means drinking beer and alcohol. Aside from tasting good, beer and alcohol lead to further dehydration. Be extra careful with the drinking. And by the way, don’t forget your sunscreen.
Here are a few tips that might help to keep you cooler during these hot summer months.
—Add splashes of fruit juice to your water. It adds great flavor and you’ll drink more water.
—Make fruity ice cubes for the kids. The will love it and drink more water.
—Add Chia Seeds to your water and shake or stir very well. The Chia Seeds absorb water and keep you even more hydrated. They are also a super protein and help with lowering cholesterol and blood sugar.
—Eat fresh fruit that is dripping with juice. Watermelon and peaches are just a few suggestions.
—Stay away from sugary processed foods and drinks. They never do a body good!
—And lastly, make some molded ice packs. Simply mix 1 part rubbing alcohol and 3 parts water in a zip lock bag (the alcohol will keep it from freezing) and put in the freezer until needed. They are great for tired aching muscles.
Finally, make sure you drink more water and eat more fruit during your celebrations. This will keep your body Happy, Healthy, and Hydrated.
Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July 2024!!!
Be Well,